Fuori Campo

Year: 2003
Artist: Modena City Ramblers

Other albums by Modena City Ramblers

Modena City Ramblers - Radio Rebelde
Radio Rebelde
2003, songs: 1
Modena City Ramblers - La Grande Famiglia
La Grande Famiglia
1999, songs: 1
Modena City Ramblers - Viva La Vida, Muera La Muerte!
Modena City Ramblers - Onda Libera
Onda Libera
2009, songs: 1
Modena City Ramblers - Terra E Liberta
Terra E Liberta
1999, songs: 4

Facts about the album "Fuori Campo"

Album Title: Fuori Campo
Artist: Modena City Ramblers

Meta Information: "Fuori Campo" is an album by the Italian folk rock band Modena City Ramblers. The title, which translates to "Offside" in English, reflects the band's rebellious spirit and their willingness to challenge societal norms through their music. "Fuori Campo" features a collection of anthemic songs that tackle themes of social justice, political activism, and cultural identity, showcasing Modena City Ramblers' passionate commitment to using music as a vehicle for change and reflection.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Fusion of Genres: Modena City Ramblers is known for their eclectic blend of folk, rock, punk, and traditional Italian music styles. "Fuori Campo" continues this tradition, incorporating diverse musical influences to create a sound that is uniquely their own. From rousing anthems to intimate ballads, the album traverses a wide range of musical genres and emotions, reflecting the band's versatility as musicians and their ability to connect with audiences from different backgrounds.

  2. Social Commentary: Many of the songs on "Fuori Campo" are characterized by their poignant lyrics and incisive social commentary. Modena City Ramblers use their music as a platform to address pressing social and political issues, from environmental degradation to immigration and economic inequality. Through their powerful lyrics and impassioned performances, the band encourages listeners to critically engage with the world around them and to take action in pursuit of a more just and equitable society.

  3. International Success: While Modena City Ramblers is primarily known for their popularity in Italy, "Fuori Campo" has garnered international acclaim and has helped to introduce the band to audiences around the world. The album's themes of social justice and cultural identity resonate with listeners from diverse cultural backgrounds, transcending linguistic and geographical boundaries. "Fuori Campo" serves as a testament to the universal power of music to inspire change and unite people across borders.
