Miss May I

Songs: 2
Albums: 1


Facts about Miss May I

Miss May I

Miss May I is a metalcore band originating from Troy, Ohio, formed in 2007. Comprising members Levi Benton (vocals), Justin Aufdemkampe (guitar), B.J. Stead (guitar), Ryan Neff (bass), and Jerod Boyd (drums), the band has gained prominence in the metalcore scene. Here are some key facts about Miss May I:

  1. Rise to Prominence: Miss May I rose to prominence in the mid-2000s with the release of their debut studio album, "Apologies Are for the Weak" in 2009. The album garnered attention within the metalcore community for its aggressive sound, melodic hooks, and intense live performances. It established the band as a rising force in the genre and laid the foundation for their subsequent success.

  2. Consistent Discography: Over the years, Miss May I has maintained a consistent output of studio albums, EPs, and singles, showcasing their evolution as musicians and songwriters. Their discography includes albums such as "Monument" (2010), "At Heart" (2012), "Rise of the Lion" (2014), and "Shadows Inside" (2017), each offering a blend of crushing breakdowns, blistering riffs, and anthemic choruses.

  3. Touring and Live Performances: Miss May I is known for their relentless touring schedule and electrifying live performances. They have toured extensively across North America, Europe, and other parts of the world, sharing the stage with prominent metal and hardcore acts. Their high-energy shows and passionate fan base have solidified their reputation as a formidable live act in the metalcore scene.

  4. Evolution of Sound: Throughout their career, Miss May I has undergone stylistic evolutions while staying true to their metalcore roots. They have experimented with different elements, incorporating clean singing, atmospheric passages, and diverse instrumentation into their music. This willingness to evolve and push boundaries has allowed the band to remain relevant and continue attracting new listeners while retaining their core fan base.

  5. Impact and Influence: Miss May I has left a significant impact on the metalcore genre, inspiring a new generation of bands with their aggressive yet melodic approach to songwriting. They have garnered a dedicated following of fans who resonate with their music's raw emotion, powerful lyrics, and unrelenting intensity. Their influence can be heard in the work of emerging metalcore acts, contributing to the genre's ongoing evolution and vitality.

Overall, Miss May I's unwavering dedication to their craft, coupled with their dynamic musicality and captivating live performances, has solidified their status as one of the leading bands in the contemporary metalcore scene. As they continue to push boundaries and captivate audiences worldwide, their legacy as innovators and ambassadors of the genre is sure to endure.
