Mike Watt - Topsiders


on the bridge in command stands the old man

all our wills bound up in his hands

hardly see him but we feel him even down here

and a thread though our heads has us all ears

no one never ever says old man to the old man

no one never, never ever says old man to the old man

to the old man, the old man

he makes just the slightest kind of motion

then there's a turn on the wheel by the coxswain

and a blast on the pipe by the boson

as the bow of the boat plows the ocean

no one never ever says old man to the old man

no one never, never ever says old man to the old man

to the old man, the old man

"mr. handley, would you defend a man you knew was guilty"?

"mr. watt, I'm not going to answer that but I will say this:

maybe it's more a question of how much guilty and how much innocent"

yo ho, oh yo, yo ee oh

oh yo, yo oh ho

an eye at the top of the pyramid

focused on the place where it's all hid

the undertow flow of the current

rushing all through me as I learn it

no one never ever says old man to the old man

no one never, never ever says old man to the old man

to the old man, the old man

for everything revealed, something's concealed

and for everything concealed, something's revealed

yo ho, oh yo, yo ee oh

oh yo, yo oh ho

yo ho, oh yo, yo ee oh

oh yo, yo oh ho
