Every Falling Tear

Year: 2011
Artist: Matt Hammitt

Facts about the album "Every Falling Tear"

Album Title: Every Falling Tear
Artist: Matt Hammitt

Meta Information: "Every Falling Tear" is a poignant and introspective album by American singer-songwriter Matt Hammitt, released on September 13, 2011. This album captures Hammitt's deeply personal journey through themes of faith, loss, and redemption, offering listeners a glimpse into the highs and lows of the human experience. With its heartfelt lyrics, emotive vocals, and lush musical arrangements, "Every Falling Tear" serves as a beacon of hope and healing for those navigating life's challenges and uncertainties.

Three Interesting Facts:

  1. Inspired by Personal Experience: "Every Falling Tear" is deeply inspired by Matt Hammitt's personal journey, particularly his experiences as a father and husband. The album's poignant lyrics and emotive performances reflect Hammitt's struggles and triumphs, including his son's battle with a congenital heart defect. Through his music, Hammitt channels his raw emotions and vulnerability, offering listeners a glimpse into his journey of faith, love, and resilience.

  2. Collaborative Efforts: Throughout "Every Falling Tear", Matt Hammitt collaborates with a talented ensemble of musicians and songwriters, including acclaimed producer Pete Kipley. These collaborations enrich the album's sonic landscape, with each contributor bringing their own unique perspective and expertise to the project. From soaring string arrangements to dynamic rock instrumentation, Hammitt's collaborators enhance the emotional impact of his songs, elevating the album to new heights of artistry and expression.

  3. Positive Reception and Impact: "Every Falling Tear" received widespread acclaim from both critics and audiences, earning praise for its heartfelt sincerity, musical craftsmanship, and uplifting message of hope. The album's standout tracks, including "All of Me" and "Let It Bring You Praise", resonated with listeners around the world, inspiring them to find strength and solace in the midst of life's trials. "Every Falling Tear" continues to touch hearts and change lives, serving as a powerful testament to the transformative power of music and faith.
