Destination Universe

Year: 1992
Artist: Material Issue

Facts about the album "Destination Universe"

Album Title: Destination Universe
Artist: Material Issue

Meta Information: "Destination Universe" stands as the second studio album by Material Issue, the power pop band hailing from Chicago, Illinois. Released in 1992, the album builds upon the band's infectious blend of catchy melodies, jangly guitars, and upbeat rhythms, further solidifying their position within the power pop genre. With its energetic performances and memorable hooks, "Destination Universe" offers listeners a captivating journey through the band's trademark sound and songwriting prowess.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Commercial Success: "Destination Universe" achieved notable commercial success following its release, propelled by the popularity of its lead single, "What Girls Want". The song received extensive airplay on college radio stations and MTV, helping to broaden Material Issue's fanbase and elevate their profile within the music industry. The album's commercial success solidified Material Issue's status as one of the leading bands in the power pop revival of the early 1990s.

  2. Production Collaboration: "Destination Universe" benefited from the collaboration of esteemed producer and engineer Mike Chapman, known for his work with iconic acts such as Blondie, The Knack, and The Cars. Chapman's production expertise brought a polished sheen to the album's sound, enhancing its pop sensibilities while preserving the raw energy and authenticity of Material Issue's performances. His contributions played a crucial role in shaping the album's overall sonic aesthetic.

  3. Creative Evolution: "Destination Universe" showcased a maturation in Material Issue's songwriting and musical approach compared to their debut album, "International Pop Overthrow". The band experimented with more complex arrangements and production techniques, incorporating elements of alternative rock and glam into their power pop sound. This creative evolution demonstrated Material Issue's willingness to push boundaries and explore new sonic territories while staying true to their pop-rock roots.
