O Chamado

Year: 1999
Artist: Marina Lima

Other albums by Marina Lima

Marina Lima - Sem Limite
Sem Limite
2008, songs: 3
Marina Lima - O Melhor de Marina Lima
Marina Lima - Pierrot do Brasil
Pierrot do Brasil
1999, songs: 1
Marina Lima - Acústico MTV
Acústico MTV
2003, songs: 2
Marina Lima - Marina Lima
Marina Lima
1992, songs: 1
Marina Lima - Registros à Meia-Voz
Registros à Meia-Voz
1996, songs: 1

Facts about the album "O Chamado"

Album Title: O Chamado
Artist: Marina Lima
Release Date: Not specified
Genre: MPB, Pop

"O Chamado" is an album by Brazilian singer-songwriter Marina Lima. The title, translated as "The Call", suggests a thematic exploration of inner longing and personal discovery. The album likely features Lima's signature blend of MPB and pop music, with her soulful vocals and introspective lyrics taking center stage. "O Chamado" offers listeners a musical journey through themes of love, desire, and self-discovery, inviting them to reflect on the universal quest for purpose and fulfillment.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Exploration of Spiritual Themes: "O Chamado" may delve into spiritual and existential themes, as suggested by the album's title. Marina Lima's introspective lyrics and emotive delivery may touch upon questions of identity, purpose, and the search for meaning, resonating with listeners on a deep and introspective level.

  2. Artistic Collaboration: The album may feature collaborations with fellow musicians, producers, and songwriters, adding depth and variety to Marina Lima's musical repertoire. Collaborative efforts on "O Chamado" may bring together diverse talents and perspectives, enriching the album's sonic landscape and enhancing Lima's artistic vision.

  3. Cultural Impact: Marina Lima is celebrated as one of Brazil's most iconic and influential musicians, known for her contributions to the MPB genre and her enduring impact on Brazilian popular music. "O Chamado" likely holds significance within the Brazilian music scene, further cementing Lima's legacy as a talented and introspective artist with a profound ability to connect with audiences through her music.
