Sings George Gershwin

Year: 2007
Artist: Maria Farantouri

Facts about the album "Sings George Gershwin"

Album Title: Sings George Gershwin
Artist: Maria Farantouri

Meta Information: "Sings George Gershwin" is a captivating tribute album by the esteemed Greek vocalist Maria Farantouri. This album showcases Farantouri's extraordinary talent and her deep appreciation for the timeless compositions of the legendary American composer George Gershwin. With her soulful interpretations and exquisite phrasing, Farantouri breathes new life into Gershwin's beloved classics, capturing the essence of his music while infusing it with her own unique style and sensibility. "Sings George Gershwin" is a testament to Farantouri's artistry and her ability to transcend cultural boundaries, bridging the gap between Greek and American musical traditions with grace and sophistication.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Cultural Fusion: Maria Farantouri's interpretation of George Gershwin's music represents a harmonious fusion of Greek and American musical traditions. Farantouri's deep roots in Greek folk music and her command of traditional Greek vocal techniques infuse Gershwin's compositions with a distinctively Mediterranean flavor, creating a musical tapestry that transcends cultural boundaries. "Sings George Gershwin" serves as a testament to the universality of music and its power to unite people from different backgrounds and cultures.

  2. Political Activism: Throughout her career, Maria Farantouri has been an outspoken advocate for social justice and political activism. In the 1960s and 1970s, Farantouri became a symbol of resistance against Greece's military junta, using her music as a tool for protest and social change. Farantouri's commitment to using her art for positive impact extends to "Sings George Gershwin", where she infuses Gershwin's timeless melodies with a sense of urgency and defiance, reminding listeners of the importance of standing up for justice and equality.

  3. International Acclaim: Maria Farantouri's talent and contributions to the world of music have earned her international acclaim and recognition. Throughout her career, Farantouri has collaborated with renowned artists and musicians from around the world, performing on prestigious stages and receiving accolades for her exceptional vocal prowess and artistry. "Sings George Gershwin" further solidifies Farantouri's reputation as one of the most celebrated vocalists of her generation, showcasing her ability to interpret and reinterpret classic compositions with grace and sophistication.
