
Songs: 69
Albums: 17


Facts about Manowar


Manowar is an American heavy metal band known for their epic and bombastic sound, powerful stage presence, and themes of mythology and masculinity. Here are some facts about the band:

  1. Formation and Early Years: Manowar was formed in Auburn, New York, in 1980 by bassist Joey DeMaio and guitarist Ross "The Boss" Friedman. The band's lineup solidified with the addition of vocalist Eric Adams and drummer Donnie Hamzik. From the beginning, Manowar aimed to create a larger-than-life sound inspired by the classic heavy metal bands of the 1970s, such as Black Sabbath and Judas Priest.

  2. Epic Sound and Themes: Manowar is known for their epic and bombastic sound, characterized by thunderous drums, soaring guitar solos, and operatic vocals. Their lyrics often explore themes of mythology, fantasy, and heroic valor, drawing inspiration from Norse mythology, medieval legends, and tales of warriors and kings. Songs like "Battle Hymn", "Hail and Kill", and "Kings of Metal" epitomize the band's grandiose style and ethos.

  3. Record-Breaking Decibel Levels: Manowar is notorious for their insistence on playing at deafeningly loud volumes, earning them a reputation as one of the loudest bands in the world. In 1984, they were officially recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records for playing the loudest concert ever recorded, with a peak volume of 129.5 decibels measured at 10 meters from the stage during a performance in Hanover, Germany.

  4. Controversy and Criticism: Despite their devoted fanbase, Manowar has faced criticism over the years for their bombastic image and lyrics, which some have viewed as overly macho and self-indulgent. The band's extravagant stage shows, complete with leather costumes, pyrotechnics, and Viking-inspired props, have been both celebrated and derided for their excess. Additionally, their steadfast commitment to their image and sound has led to accusations of stubbornness and lack of artistic growth.

  5. Enduring Legacy: Despite the controversies and criticisms, Manowar has maintained a loyal following throughout their career, particularly in Europe and South America. They are revered by fans of traditional heavy metal for their uncompromising dedication to the genre's core values of power, speed, and aggression. Manowar's influence can be heard in the work of numerous bands within the heavy metal and power metal subgenres, and their legacy as one of heavy metal's most iconic and enduring acts continues to resonate with audiences worldwide.
