Mark of the Beast

Year: 2002
Artist: Manilla Road


Other albums by Manilla Road

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Spiral Castle
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Manilla Road - Crystal Logic
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1983, songs: 1

Facts about the album "Mark of the Beast"

Album Title: Mark of the Beast
Artist: Manilla Road

Meta Information: "Mark of the Beast" is the fourth studio album by the American heavy metal band Manilla Road, released in 1988. The album represents a continuation of the band's unique blend of traditional heavy metal and progressive rock influences, featuring epic songwriting, intricate guitar work, and fantastical lyrical themes. With its dark and atmospheric soundscapes, "Mark of the Beast" explores themes of mysticism, occultism, and the eternal struggle between good and evil, offering listeners a thrilling and immersive musical journey into the realms of the unknown.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Conceptual Depth: "Mark of the Beast" is notable for its conceptual depth and thematic complexity, featuring interconnected narratives and recurring motifs that contribute to its sense of unity and coherence as a cohesive musical work. The album's lyrics delve into esoteric subjects such as ancient mythology, metaphysical symbolism, and existential philosophy, inviting listeners to contemplate the deeper meanings hidden within its cryptic verses.

  2. Artistic Evolution: "Mark of the Beast" showcases Manilla Road's artistic evolution and maturation as a band, demonstrating their growth in both musical craftsmanship and lyrical sophistication. The album represents a departure from their earlier works in terms of its darker and more atmospheric tone, signaling a willingness to explore new musical territories and expand the boundaries of their creative expression.

  3. Critical Reception: "Mark of the Beast" received mixed reviews upon its release, with some critics praising its ambitious scope and adventurous spirit, while others found fault with its unconventional song structures and esoteric themes. Despite its initial reception, the album has since garnered a dedicated fanbase and retrospective appreciation, with many fans citing it as a standout work in Manilla Road's extensive discography. "Mark of the Beast" remains a testament to the band's uncompromising artistic vision and their enduring legacy in the realm of heavy metal music.
