Shout On!/Hip-Notic

Year: 1997
Artist: Makers

Facts about the album "Shout On!/Hip-Notic"

Album Title: Shout On!/Hip-Notic
Artist: Makers

Meta Information: "Shout On!/Hip-Notic" is a split album released by the American garage rock bands Makers and Hip-Notic. The album, released on April 15, 2003, captures the raw energy and DIY ethos of the garage rock revival of the early 2000s. Makers, known for their raucous performances and gritty sound, contribute tracks that showcase their signature blend of punk, garage, and rock 'n' roll. Meanwhile, Hip-Notic adds their own brand of psychedelic-infused garage rock to the mix, creating a diverse and dynamic listening experience that pays homage to the genre's roots while pushing it forward into new territory.

Three Interesting Facts:

  1. Collaborative Split Release: "Shout On!/Hip-Notic" is a collaborative split release between two prominent bands in the American garage rock scene of the early 2000s. Split albums were a common practice within the garage rock revival movement, allowing bands to share exposure and introduce their music to each other's fanbases. This collaborative spirit fostered a sense of camaraderie among bands and contributed to the scene's vibrant and interconnected community.

  2. Garage Rock Revival: The album "Shout On!/Hip-Notic" emerged during the garage rock revival of the early 2000s, a musical movement characterized by its raw, lo-fi sound and DIY ethos. Bands like Makers and Hip-Notic drew inspiration from the garage and punk rock of the 1960s, infusing it with their own contemporary sensibilities to create a modern take on a classic genre. The revival movement gained momentum through independent labels, underground venues, and word-of-mouth promotion, leading to a resurgence of interest in garage rock among music fans and critics alike.

  3. Legacy and Influence: While "Shout On!/Hip-Notic" may not have achieved mainstream commercial success, it remains a significant artifact of the garage rock revival era and a testament to the creativity and vitality of the scene. Both Makers and Hip-Notic continued to release music and tour following the album's release, contributing to the ongoing legacy of garage rock in the 21st century. The album serves as a reminder of the enduring appeal of raw, unfiltered rock 'n' roll and its ability to capture the hearts and minds of listeners across generations.
