Lonnie Jordan

Songs: 2
Albums: 1


Lonnie Jordan - War Stories
War Stories
2007, songs: 2

Facts about Lonnie Jordan

Lonnie Jordan
  1. Musical Career: Lonnie Jordan is a musician best known as a founding member and the keyboardist of the iconic American funk and R&B band, War. Born on November 21, 1948, in San Diego, California, Jordan played a crucial role in shaping the band's distinctive sound and contributing to their success throughout their career.

  2. Formation of War: Lonnie Jordan co-founded War in 1969 along with several other musicians, including Harold Brown, Howard E. Scott, and Charles Miller. Initially known as Eric Burdon and War, the band gained fame for their fusion of funk, rock, jazz, and Latin music influences. Jordan's keyboard skills and vocal contributions played a significant part in defining War's eclectic sound, which became synonymous with the cultural and musical landscape of the 1970s.

  3. Chart-Topping Hits and Musical Legacy: As a member of War, Lonnie Jordan contributed to numerous hit songs that have become classics of the funk and R&B genres. Some of War's most iconic tracks featuring Jordan's keyboard playing and vocals include "Low Rider", "Why Can't We Be Friends?", "Cisco Kid", and "The World Is a Ghetto". These songs not only topped the charts but also became enduring anthems that continue to resonate with audiences worldwide, cementing War's legacy as one of the most influential bands of their era.

  4. Solo Projects and Collaborations: In addition to his work with War, Lonnie Jordan has pursued solo projects and collaborations with other artists throughout his career. He released several solo albums, including "Different Moods of Me" (1978) and "Make You Feel Love" (1982), showcasing his versatility as a musician and songwriter. Jordan has also collaborated with various musicians and bands across different genres, further expanding his musical horizons and leaving a lasting imprint on the music industry.

  5. Continued Impact and Cultural Relevance: Lonnie Jordan's contributions to War and the broader music landscape have had a lasting impact on popular culture. War's songs have been sampled and covered by numerous artists across different genres, attesting to their enduring relevance and influence. Jordan's role as a keyboardist, vocalist, and songwriter in shaping War's sound and legacy solidifies his place as a pioneering figure in funk and R&B music, earning him respect and admiration from fans and fellow musicians alike.
