Lisa Lisa

Songs: 8
Albums: 2


Lisa Lisa - Life N Love
Life N Love
2009, songs: 7

Facts about Lisa Lisa

Lisa Lisa
  1. Lisa Lisa, also known as Lisa Velez, is an American singer and actress who rose to fame in the 1980s as the lead vocalist of the group Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam. Born on January 15, 1967, in New York City, Lisa Velez began her music career at a young age, inspired by the vibrant music scene of the Bronx.

  2. Lisa Lisa's breakthrough came with the formation of Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam, a freestyle and urban contemporary group. Alongside her bandmates Alex "Spanador" Moseley and Mike Hughes, she released several hit singles and albums throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, earning widespread acclaim and commercial success.

  3. One of Lisa Lisa's most iconic hits is the single "I Wonder If I Take You Home", released in 1985 as part of the group's debut album, "Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam with Full Force". The song's infectious beat, catchy hooks, and Lisa Lisa's soulful vocals propelled it to the top of the charts, establishing the group as a force to be reckoned with in the music industry.

  4. Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam continued to dominate the airwaves with subsequent hits like "Head to Toe", "Lost in Emotion", and "All Cried Out", solidifying their status as one of the most successful acts of the 1980s. Their unique blend of R&B, pop, and dance music resonated with audiences worldwide, earning them numerous awards and accolades.

  5. Beyond her music career, Lisa Lisa has also pursued acting opportunities in film and television. She made appearances in movies such as "The Naked Brothers Band: The Movie" (2005) and TV shows like "Taina" (2001), showcasing her versatility as a performer. Despite the passage of time, Lisa Lisa's impact on the music industry endures, and her contributions to the 1980s pop and R&B landscape remain celebrated by fans and critics alike.
