Linda Perhacs

Songs: 2
Albums: 1


Facts about Linda Perhacs

Linda Perhacs
  1. Musical Background: Linda Perhacs is an American psychedelic folk singer-songwriter who gained recognition for her unique musical style characterized by ethereal vocals and intricate compositions. She was born on June 14, 1943, in Mill Valley, California. Perhacs' musical journey began in the 1970s when she released her debut album "Parallelograms" in 1970. Despite receiving critical acclaim for its experimental and innovative sound, the album didn't achieve commercial success initially.

  2. Cult Following: "Parallelograms" developed a cult following over the years, especially among fans of psychedelic and folk music. Despite its initial lack of commercial success, the album was rediscovered by a new generation of listeners through word of mouth and the resurgence of interest in psychedelic folk music. Its dreamy, atmospheric sound and introspective lyrics resonated with many, earning Perhacs a dedicated fanbase.

  3. Long Hiatus and Resurgence: Following the release of "Parallelograms", Perhacs largely withdrew from the music industry to focus on her career as a dental hygienist and later as a psychotherapist. She remained relatively obscure for decades until the album experienced a resurgence in the early 2000s when it was reissued by record label Wild Places. This resurgence brought Perhacs back into the spotlight, and she began performing live again, captivating audiences with her enchanting voice and mystical songs.

  4. Later Work and Collaborations: Encouraged by the renewed interest in her music, Linda Perhacs released her long-awaited follow-up album, "The Soul of All Natural Things", in 2014, more than four decades after her debut. The album showcased her continued growth as an artist while maintaining the ethereal essence of her earlier work. Perhacs collaborated with notable musicians such as Julia Holter and Devendra Banhart on the album, further expanding her musical palette and reaching new audiences.

  5. Legacy and Influence: Linda Perhacs' influence extends beyond her own musical output, inspiring a new generation of artists with her distinctive blend of folk, psychedelic, and avant-garde elements. Her music has been sampled by contemporary artists, and she remains a revered figure in the psychedelic folk genre. Despite the long hiatus between her albums, Perhacs' enduring legacy continues to resonate with listeners, cementing her status as a visionary artist whose work transcends time and genre boundaries.
