
Songs: 1
Albums: 1


Liars - Liars
2007, songs: 1

Facts about Liars


Liars is an experimental rock band formed in 2000 in Los Angeles, California. Known for their genre-defying sound, intense live performances, and conceptual approach to music, here are some key facts about the band:

  1. Formation and Early Years: Liars was formed by Australian-born musician Angus Andrew, along with Aaron Hemphill and Julian Gross. The band's early sound was characterized by its abrasive and confrontational style, drawing influences from noise rock, post-punk, and electronic music. Liars gained attention with their debut album, "They Threw Us All in a Trench and Stuck a Monument on Top" (2001), which featured raw, chaotic compositions and marked the beginning of their experimental journey.

  2. Evolution of Sound: Over the years, Liars have continually evolved and experimented with their sound, refusing to be confined to a single genre or style. Their subsequent albums explored a wide range of sonic territories, incorporating elements of electronic music, art rock, psychedelia, and dance-punk. Albums like "Drum's Not Dead" (2006), "Sisterworld" (2010), and "WIXIW" (2012) showcased the band's versatility and willingness to push the boundaries of conventional rock music.

  3. Conceptual and Visual Elements: In addition to their musical experimentation, Liars are known for their conceptual approach to album-making and multimedia presentations. Many of their albums are accompanied by elaborate visual art, photography, and written narratives that complement the music and enhance the overall experience for listeners. The band's immersive live performances often incorporate elements of performance art, video projections, and theatricality, creating a multi-sensory experience for audiences.

  4. Critical Acclaim and Influence: Liars have received widespread critical acclaim for their innovative and boundary-pushing music. They have been praised for their boldness, creativity, and fearlessness in exploring new sonic territories. Liars' influence can be heard in the work of many contemporary experimental and indie rock bands, who have been inspired by their willingness to defy expectations and break free from musical conventions.

  5. Lineup Changes and Continued Activity: Throughout their career, Liars have experienced lineup changes, with Angus Andrew remaining the sole consistent member. Despite these changes, the band has continued to release albums and tour extensively, maintaining their reputation as one of the most adventurous and enigmatic bands in the alternative music scene. Their commitment to artistic integrity and creative exploration ensures that Liars will continue to push boundaries and inspire audiences for years to come.
