League of Decency

Songs: 12
Albums: 6


League of Decency - Gimme Some Lovin'
Gimme Some Lovin'
1996, songs: 2
League of Decency - Route 66
Route 66
1996, songs: 4
League of Decency - Wild Thing
Wild Thing
1996, songs: 1
League of Decency - A Swingin' Christmas
A Swingin' Christmas
1995, songs: 3

Facts about League of Decency

League of Decency

The term "League of Decency" primarily refers to a movement within the Catholic Church in the United States during the mid-20th century aimed at combating immorality in film. Here are some key facts about the League of Decency:

  1. Formation and Purpose: The National Legion of Decency, commonly known as the League of Decency, was established in 1933 by the Catholic Church in the United States. It was formed in response to growing concerns about the perceived immorality and indecency portrayed in Hollywood films. The primary purpose of the League of Decency was to provide guidance to Catholics regarding which films were morally acceptable for viewing.

  2. Film Classification System: One of the main initiatives of the League of Decency was the implementation of a film classification system. Movies were categorized into one of four ratings: A-I (morally unobjectionable for general audiences), A-II (morally unobjectionable for adults), B (morally objectionable in part for all), or C (condemned). The League published lists of films in each category, providing guidance to Catholics on which movies to watch or avoid.

  3. Influence and Impact: The League of Decency wielded considerable influence within the Catholic community and had a significant impact on the film industry. Many Catholics adhered to the League's recommendations and avoided films that were deemed morally objectionable. As a result, filmmakers and studios became increasingly mindful of the content they included in their movies, fearing backlash from religious groups and potential boycotts.

  4. Decline and Disbandment: By the 1960s, the influence of the League of Decency began to wane due to changing societal attitudes towards censorship and morality. The rise of the counterculture movement, the sexual revolution, and the relaxation of censorship standards in film contributed to a shift in public opinion. In 1965, the Catholic Church officially disbanded the League of Decency, signaling the end of an era of strict moral oversight in the film industry.

  5. Legacy: While the League of Decency may no longer exist, its legacy continues to be felt in the ongoing debates surrounding censorship, morality, and the portrayal of sensitive topics in media. The organization's efforts to promote moral standards in film reflected broader societal concerns about the influence of popular culture on values and behavior. Although the methods of the League may seem outdated by contemporary standards, its influence played a significant role in shaping the evolution of the film industry and
