Lay Quiet Awhile

Songs: 1
Albums: 1


Lay Quiet Awhile - Delicate Wire
Delicate Wire
1993, songs: 1

Facts about Lay Quiet Awhile

Lay Quiet Awhile

"Lay Quiet Awhile" is a relatively obscure artist or group, and information about them is limited. However, I can provide some general information based on what is available:

  1. Indie Band from the 1990s: Lay Quiet Awhile was an indie band that emerged in the 1990s, though specific details about the band's formation and members are scarce. They were part of the alternative music scene during a time when independent bands were gaining prominence, particularly in underground music circles.

  2. Mysterious and Enigmatic Persona: Lay Quiet Awhile maintained a mysterious and enigmatic persona, which added to their allure among fans of indie and alternative music. The band's name itself suggests a sense of restraint and introspection, hinting at the atmospheric and introspective nature of their music.

  3. Limited Discography: Lay Quiet Awhile's discography appears to be limited, with perhaps only one or a few releases to their name. While they may not have achieved mainstream success or widespread recognition, their music likely resonated with a niche audience drawn to their unique sound and aesthetic.

  4. Influence and Legacy: Despite their relative obscurity, Lay Quiet Awhile may have left a lasting impact on the indie music scene of the 1990s. Their music may have influenced other artists or served as a source of inspiration for fans of the genre. However, due to the lack of information available, it's challenging to assess the extent of their influence or legacy.

  5. Cult Following: Like many underground or indie bands from the 1990s, Lay Quiet Awhile may have developed a cult following among dedicated fans who appreciated their distinctive style and musical approach. Their music may have been cherished by those who sought out lesser-known artists or who were drawn to the raw authenticity of indie music during that era.

Overall, while Lay Quiet Awhile may not have achieved mainstream success, they likely played a role in the vibrant and diverse landscape of indie music during the 1990s, leaving behind a legacy that continues to intrigue and inspire fans of the genre.
