Keith Green

Songs: 58
Albums: 12

Facts about Keith Green

Keith Green
  1. Christian Singer-Songwriter and Evangelist: Keith Green was an influential Christian singer-songwriter, pianist, and evangelist known for his passionate devotion to Jesus Christ and his uncompromising approach to his faith. Born on October 21, 1953, in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, New York, Green rose to prominence in the 1970s as a leading figure in the Christian music industry, using his music as a platform to share his message of faith and salvation.

  2. Early Musical Career: Keith Green began his music career as a teenager, signing a recording contract with Decca Records in the early 1970s. However, he soon grew disillusioned with the music industry's focus on fame and commercial success, feeling a calling to use his musical talents for a greater purpose. Green underwent a profound spiritual transformation and dedicated himself to writing and performing music that reflected his newfound faith in Jesus Christ.

  3. Impactful Ministry and Outreach: Keith Green's music and ministry had a profound impact on countless individuals around the world, challenging believers to live out their faith authentically and to prioritize spiritual growth and discipleship. Through his songs, such as "Oh Lord, You're Beautiful", "Asleep in the Light", and "Make My Life a Prayer to You", Green encouraged listeners to seek intimacy with God and to live lives of radical obedience to His word.

  4. Revolutionary Approach to Music Distribution: Keith Green was a pioneer in the Christian music industry, adopting a revolutionary approach to music distribution that bypassed traditional record labels and distribution channels. He founded Last Days Ministries and Sparrow Records, through which he independently produced and distributed his music, allowing him to maintain creative control over his work and to freely share his message with a wide audience.

  5. Tragic Passing and Lasting Legacy: Keith Green's life was tragically cut short when he died in a plane crash on July 28, 1982, at the age of 28, along with two of his children and eight others. Despite his untimely death, Green's impact on Christian music and ministry continues to be felt to this day. His songs remain beloved classics in the Christian music canon, and his uncompromising commitment to faith and discipleship continues to inspire believers around the world. Keith Green's legacy lives on through his music, writings, and the lives he touched during his brief but impactful time on earth.
