Basie Called Her Stride

Year: 1994
Artist: Judy Carmichael

Other albums by Judy Carmichael

Judy Carmichael - Old Friends
Old Friends
1985, songs: 2
Judy Carmichael - High on Fats and Other Stuff
Judy Carmichael - Judy
1994, songs: 2
Judy Carmichael - Pearls
1985, songs: 1
Judy Carmichael - Come and Get It
Come and Get It
2012, songs: 1

Facts about the album "Basie Called Her Stride"

Title: Basie Called Her Stride
Artist: Judy Carmichael

Meta Information: "Basie Called Her Stride" pays homage to the influential stride piano style through the captivating interpretations of acclaimed artist Judy Carmichael. Drawing inspiration from the legendary Count Basie and other giants of jazz, Carmichael channels the spirit of swing with her dynamic performances and infectious energy. This album serves as a celebration of the timeless artistry of stride piano, showcasing Carmichael's virtuosity and passion for the genre. With its irresistible rhythms and soulful melodies, "Basie Called Her Stride" is a fitting tribute to the enduring legacy of stride piano and its enduring impact on the world of jazz.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Stride Piano Revival: "Basie Called Her Stride" reflects Judy Carmichael's dedication to reviving interest in the stride piano style, which experienced a resurgence in popularity during the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Through her captivating performances and advocacy efforts, Carmichael has played a pivotal role in reintroducing audiences to this dynamic and influential genre.

  2. Count Basie Influence: The title of the album, "Basie Called Her Stride", pays homage to the legendary jazz pianist and bandleader Count Basie, who was known for his mastery of the stride piano style. Carmichael's admiration for Basie's music is evident throughout the album, as she channels his spirit and influence in her own unique interpretations of classic jazz standards and original compositions.

  3. Trailblazing Talent: Judy Carmichael has long been recognized as one of the foremost practitioners of stride piano, earning acclaim for her technical prowess and expressive playing style. "Basie Called Her Stride" further solidifies Carmichael's reputation as a trailblazing talent in the world of jazz, showcasing her ability to breathe new life into traditional repertoire while staying true to the spirit of the genre.
