Tres Cosas

Year: 2004
Artist: Juana Molina

Other albums by Juana Molina

Juana Molina - Segundo
2003, songs: 1

Facts about the album "Tres Cosas"

Album Title: Tres Cosas
Artist: Juana Molina
Genre: Experimental, Folktronica
Label: Domino Records

"Tres Cosas" is the third studio album by Argentine singer-songwriter and experimental musician Juana Molina. This album continues Molina's exploration of experimental folktronica, blending intricate electronic textures with folk-inspired melodies and hypnotic rhythms. With its mesmerizing soundscapes, ethereal vocals, and inventive songwriting, "Tres Cosas" invites listeners on a captivating journey through Molina's evocative musical universe, where tradition meets innovation and imagination knows no bounds.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Experimental Evolution: "Tres Cosas" represents a further evolution of Juana Molina's experimental sound, building upon the sonic palette established in her previous albums. Molina's willingness to push boundaries and explore new sonic territories is evident throughout the album, as she incorporates elements of glitch, ambient, and avant-garde music into her unique blend of folktronica.

  2. Influential Impact: Juana Molina's innovative approach to music-making has had a significant influence on the experimental music scene, inspiring a new generation of artists to embrace unconventional techniques and sonic experimentation. "Tres Cosas" may have played a pivotal role in shaping the direction of experimental folktronica and electronic music, earning Molina acclaim as a visionary and trailblazer in the genre.

  3. Global Recognition: "Tres Cosas" received international acclaim upon its release, with critics praising its bold sonic experimentation, inventive songwriting, and Molina's captivating vocal performances. The album's success helped to further elevate Juana Molina's profile on the global stage, leading to opportunities for international touring and collaborations with acclaimed artists from around the world.
