Convertible Music

Year: 1982
Artist: Josie Cotton

Facts about the album "Convertible Music"

Album Title: Convertible Music
Artist: Josie Cotton
Genre: New Wave, Pop

Formats: CD, vinyl, digital download

Interesting Facts:

  1. New Wave Icon: Josie Cotton rose to prominence in the 1980s as a prominent figure in the New Wave music scene. "Convertible Music" likely represents a continuation of Cotton's signature blend of catchy pop melodies, punk-inspired energy, and quirky, offbeat lyrics that characterized her earlier work.

  2. Cult Following: Despite limited commercial success, Josie Cotton has maintained a dedicated cult following over the years, particularly among fans of alternative and underground music. "Convertible Music" may appeal to both longtime fans and newcomers alike, offering a nostalgic trip back to the heyday of New Wave music.

  3. Artistic Evolution: "Convertible Music" may showcase Josie Cotton's artistic evolution and growth as a musician since her early days in the music industry. The album could feature a more mature and refined sound while still retaining the infectious energy and irreverent charm that have made Cotton a beloved figure in the world of alternative pop music.
