Small Hours

Year: 2004
Artist: JoJo David

Facts about the album "Small Hours"

Album Title: Small Hours
Artist: JoJo David

Meta Information:
"Small Hours" is the debut studio album by British singer-songwriter JoJo David. The album offers a captivating blend of indie folk, acoustic pop, and introspective lyricism, showcasing David's distinctive vocal style and thoughtful songwriting. With its intimate atmosphere and evocative storytelling, "Small Hours" invites listeners on a reflective journey through the quiet moments of life.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Independent Release: "Small Hours" represents JoJo David's independent debut as a solo artist. Following years of performing in various bands and honing his craft as a songwriter, David took the plunge into solo artistry with the release of this album. With its raw authenticity and personal storytelling, "Small Hours" serves as a testament to David's creative vision and artistic integrity.

  2. Inspiration from Nature: Nature serves as a recurring theme throughout "Small Hours", influencing both the album's sound and lyrical content. JoJo David draws inspiration from the natural world, weaving imagery of landscapes, seasons, and wildlife into his songs. This thematic element adds depth and richness to the album's storytelling, allowing listeners to connect with David's music on a deeper, more visceral level.

  3. Collaborative Efforts: While primarily a solo endeavor, "Small Hours" features collaborations with other musicians and producers who contributed to the album's sonic landscape. From guest vocalists to instrumentalists, these collaborative efforts enrich the album's sound and add layers of texture and depth to David's music. By surrounding himself with talented collaborators, David creates a cohesive and immersive listening experience that resonates with audiences.
