Solar Side

Year: 1997
Artist: John McKenna

Facts about the album "Solar Side"

Title: Solar Side
Artist: John McKenna
Genre: Electronic, Ambient
Format: Digital

Description: "Solar Side" is an immersive electronic album by artist John McKenna. This album transports listeners to cosmic realms with its ethereal soundscapes and hypnotic rhythms. Through a blend of ambient textures, pulsating beats, and celestial melodies, McKenna creates a sonic journey that evokes the vastness and beauty of outer space. "Solar Side" invites listeners to embark on a contemplative voyage through the cosmos, where time and space dissolve, and the boundaries between reality and imagination blur.

Interesting Facts:

  1. John McKenna is known for his innovative approach to electronic music, combining elements of ambient, downtempo, and experimental genres to create immersive sonic experiences. "Solar Side" showcases McKenna's talent for crafting otherworldly soundscapes that transport listeners to new dimensions of consciousness.
  2. The album's title, "Solar Side", may reflect McKenna's fascination with the sun and its role as a source of light, energy, and inspiration. The music on the album may explore themes of cosmic exploration, celestial phenomena, and the interconnectedness of the universe.
  3. In addition to his music career, John McKenna may be involved in other creative endeavors, such as visual art, film, or multimedia installations. His multidisciplinary approach to art and creativity may influence the sonic landscapes and conceptual themes explored on "Solar Side".