Jimmy Rushing

Songs: 62
Albums: 16

Facts about Jimmy Rushing

Jimmy Rushing

Jimmy Rushing, also known as "Mr. Five by Five", was an American blues and jazz singer renowned for his powerful voice, dynamic stage presence, and influential contributions to the Kansas City jazz scene. Here are some key facts about him:

  1. Early Life and Musical Beginnings: Jimmy Rushing was born on August 26, 1901, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He began singing at a young age, drawing inspiration from the blues and jazz music of the Deep South. Rushing's distinctive baritone voice and expressive delivery set him apart as a vocalist, earning him recognition as one of the premier blues singers of his era.

  2. Association with Count Basie Orchestra: Jimmy Rushing rose to prominence in the 1930s as the featured vocalist for the Count Basie Orchestra. His collaboration with Basie, one of the most influential bandleaders of the swing era, helped to define the sound of Kansas City jazz. Rushing's powerful voice and dynamic stage presence were a perfect match for Basie's swinging rhythms and inventive arrangements, resulting in some of the most iconic recordings of the era.

  3. Signature Songs and Style: Jimmy Rushing was known for his robust and soulful singing style, characterized by his rich baritone voice, impeccable phrasing, and ability to convey deep emotion through his vocals. He recorded several signature songs with the Count Basie Orchestra, including "Sent for You Yesterday", "Boogie Woogie", and "Good Morning Blues", which became enduring classics of the jazz and blues repertoire. Rushing's performances were electrifying, commanding the attention of audiences with his commanding stage presence and dynamic delivery.

  4. Solo Career and Later Years: In addition to his work with the Count Basie Orchestra, Jimmy Rushing also pursued a successful solo career. He recorded numerous albums under his own name, showcasing his versatility as a vocalist and his mastery of the blues and jazz idioms. Rushing continued to perform and record music throughout his life, earning acclaim from fans and critics alike for his soulful interpretations and powerful performances.

  5. Legacy and Influence: Jimmy Rushing's contributions to the blues and jazz genres have left an indelible mark on the music world. His powerful voice and emotive delivery have inspired generations of singers and musicians, influencing the development of blues, jazz, and popular music. Rushing's recordings with the Count Basie Orchestra remain essential listening for fans of swing and big band music, while his solo work continues to be celebrated for its timeless appeal and artistic excellence.
