20 Great Story Songs

Year: 1999
Artist: Jimmy Dean

Other albums by Jimmy Dean

Facts about the album "20 Great Story Songs"

Album Title: 20 Great Story Songs
Artist: Jimmy Dean

Meta Information: "20 Great Story Songs" is a compilation album featuring the narrative-driven songs of American country music artist Jimmy Dean. The album presents a curated selection of Dean's most memorable story-driven tracks, showcasing his storytelling prowess and emotive vocal delivery. From tales of love and heartbreak to humorous anecdotes and poignant reflections on life, "20 Great Story Songs" offers listeners a captivating journey through the rich narrative tradition of country music. With Dean's distinctive baritone voice and timeless songwriting, the album serves as a testament to his enduring legacy as a master storyteller in the world of country music.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Cross-Genre Appeal: Jimmy Dean's storytelling abilities transcended the confines of country music, earning him recognition and admiration from audiences across genres. His narrative-driven songs resonated with listeners of all backgrounds, cementing his status as a versatile and influential artist in the realm of American music.

  2. Television and Film Career: In addition to his music career, Jimmy Dean found success as a television host and actor. He hosted "The Jimmy Dean Show", a popular variety show on television in the 1960s, and appeared in several films, including "Diamonds Are Forever" and "Big Bad John", the latter of which inspired one of his most famous songs.

  3. Entrepreneurial Ventures: Outside of his entertainment career, Jimmy Dean was also a successful businessman. He founded the Jimmy Dean Meat Company in 1969, which became known for its line of breakfast sausages and other meat products. Dean's entrepreneurial ventures contributed to his status as a prominent figure in both the entertainment industry and the business world.
