Say What

Year: 1998
Artist: Jimmy Coe

Facts about the album "Say What"

Title: Say What
Artist: Jimmy Coe
Genre: Jazz

"Say What" is a captivating jazz album by saxophonist Jimmy Coe, showcasing his virtuosity and improvisational prowess. This album features a dynamic collection of original compositions and reimagined standards, highlighting Coe's distinctive style and musical vision. With its infectious grooves and soulful melodies, "Say What" is a testament to Coe's enduring impact on the jazz scene.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Jimmy Coe was a highly respected figure in the jazz community, known for his versatile playing style and dynamic stage presence. Throughout his career, Coe collaborated with some of the biggest names in jazz, leaving a lasting impression on audiences and fellow musicians alike.
  2. Despite his considerable talent and contributions to the genre, Jimmy Coe remained relatively underrecognized compared to some of his contemporaries. However, "Say What" stands as a testament to his skill and artistry, earning praise from jazz aficionados and critics alike.
  3. In addition to his work as a musician, Jimmy Coe was also a talented arranger and composer. His compositions often blended elements of jazz, blues, and R&B, reflecting his diverse musical influences and innovative approach to music-making. "Say What" showcases Coe's creative genius and enduring legacy in the world of jazz.