Flying High

Year: 2003
Artist: Jim Widner

Other albums by Jim Widner

Jim Widner - Yesterdays & Todays
Yesterdays & Todays
1995, songs: 2
Jim Widner - Body & Soul
Body & Soul
1997, songs: 3

Facts about the album "Flying High"

Album Title: Flying High
Artist: Jim Widner

Meta Information: "Flying High" is an exhilarating jazz album by renowned bassist and bandleader Jim Widner. Released to critical acclaim, the album showcases Widner's exceptional talent as a musician and his dynamic leadership as the leader of the Jim Widner Big Band. With its vibrant arrangements, virtuosic performances, and infectious energy, "Flying High" pays homage to the classic big band sound while infusing it with a contemporary flair that captivates audiences and keeps them on the edge of their seats.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Big Band Legacy: Jim Widner has dedicated much of his career to preserving and promoting the legacy of big band jazz. As the leader of the Jim Widner Big Band, he continues to carry on the tradition of iconic bandleaders such as Count Basie and Duke Ellington, while also incorporating modern elements and influences to keep the music fresh and relevant for contemporary audiences.

  2. Educator and Mentor: In addition to his work as a performer, Jim Widner is also a respected educator and mentor in the jazz community. He has served on the faculty of numerous universities and music schools, where he has inspired and influenced countless young musicians with his passion for jazz and his dedication to excellence in music education. Widner's commitment to passing on the tradition of jazz to future generations is reflected in the timeless quality of "Flying High".

  3. Collaborative Spirit: "Flying High" features collaborations with a talented ensemble of musicians, including some of the finest jazz artists on the scene today. Widner's collaborative approach to music-making fosters a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among the members of his band, resulting in performances that are both technically masterful and emotionally compelling. The album's cohesive sound and tight ensemble playing are a testament to the collaborative spirit that defines the Jim Widner Big Band.
