
Year: 2007
Artist: Jigsaw

Facts about the album "Anthology"

Album Title: Anthology
Artist: Jigsaw

Meta Information: "Anthology" is a compilation album by the British pop-rock band Jigsaw. The album features a curated selection of Jigsaw's most notable songs from their career, spanning multiple albums and musical eras. With its diverse range of tracks, "Anthology" provides listeners with a comprehensive overview of Jigsaw's musical evolution and highlights their contributions to the pop-rock genre.

Interesting Facts:

  1. International Success: Jigsaw achieved international success in the 1970s with their hit single "Sky High", which reached the top 10 on charts in multiple countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom. "Anthology" may include this iconic song along with other chart-topping hits and fan favorites from the band's discography.
  2. Songwriting Duo: Jigsaw was formed by songwriting duo Clive Scott and Des Dyer, who wrote many of the band's most memorable songs. Their collaborative songwriting approach, characterized by catchy melodies and relatable lyrics, played a significant role in Jigsaw's commercial success and enduring popularity.
  3. Musical Diversity: "Anthology" showcases Jigsaw's musical diversity and versatility, encompassing a range of styles and influences within the pop-rock genre. From upbeat and catchy pop anthems to heartfelt ballads and rock-infused tracks, the album offers listeners a glimpse into the band's dynamic repertoire and eclectic musical tastes.