Once Upon a Lullaby

Year: 2011
Artist: Jewel

Other albums by Jewel

Facts about the album "Once Upon a Lullaby"

Album Title: Once Upon a Lullaby
Artist: Jewel

Meta Information: "Once Upon a Lullaby" is an album by American singer-songwriter Jewel, released on May 5, 2011. The album features a collection of lullabies and children's songs, aimed at creating a soothing and calming atmosphere for young listeners. With its gentle melodies, tender vocals, and heartfelt lyrics, "Once Upon a Lullaby" offers parents and caregivers a musical soundtrack for bedtime routines, naptime, and quiet moments with their children, fostering a sense of comfort, security, and connection.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Parenting Inspiration: "Once Upon a Lullaby" was inspired by Jewel's own experience as a mother and her desire to create music that would nurture and comfort her young son. Drawing from her own childhood memories of lullabies sung by her mother, Jewel crafted a collection of songs designed to soothe and calm infants and young children. The album reflects Jewel's deep love and devotion to her son, as well as her commitment to providing him with a nurturing and enriching musical environment.

  2. Collaborative Project: "Once Upon a Lullaby" is a collaborative project between Jewel and award-winning producer and arranger, Mark Hallman. Together, they created a gentle and serene musical landscape that captures the innocence and wonder of childhood. Hallman's lush arrangements and Jewel's tender vocals blend seamlessly, creating a harmonious and enchanting listening experience for listeners of all ages.

  3. Charitable Initiative: A portion of the proceeds from the sale of "Once Upon a Lullaby" goes to benefit the Children's Health Fund, a charitable organization dedicated to providing healthcare services to underserved children and families in the United States. Through her music, Jewel not only seeks to comfort and uplift young listeners but also to make a positive impact on the lives of children in need. By purchasing "Once Upon a Lullaby", listeners not only enjoy beautiful music but also contribute to a meaningful cause, making a difference in the lives of others.
