Shift in Times

Year: 2008
Artist: Jeff Uban

Facts about the album "Shift in Times"

Album Title: Shift in Times
Artist: Jeff Uban

Meta Information: "Shift in Times" by Jeff Uban is an ambient electronic album. The album takes listeners on a sonic journey through ethereal soundscapes, pulsating rhythms, and hypnotic melodies. With its atmospheric textures, intricate arrangements, and immersive production, "Shift in Times" invites listeners to explore the intersection of past, present, and future, creating a sonic landscape that transcends time and space.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Conceptual Narrative: "Shift in Times" may be conceptualized as a musical exploration of the passage of time and the ever-changing nature of existence. Through its evocative compositions and atmospheric soundscapes, the album may convey themes of transformation, impermanence, and the cyclical nature of life, inviting listeners to contemplate the mysteries of existence.

  2. Experimental Approach: Jeff Uban may have employed experimental techniques and electronic instrumentation in the creation of "Shift in Times", pushing the boundaries of traditional music production and exploring new sonic territories. The album's innovative sound design and use of synthesizers, samplers, and effects processors may result in a sonic tapestry that is both immersive and otherworldly.

  3. Multifaceted Influences: "Shift in Times" may draw inspiration from a diverse range of musical genres, including ambient, electronic, experimental, and world music. Jeff Uban's eclectic musical influences and background as a multi-instrumentalist may be reflected in the album's rich sonic palette, which blends elements of traditional instrumentation with modern electronic production techniques, creating a unique and captivating listening experience.
