It's Midnight

Year: 2001
Artist: János Korössy

Facts about the album "It's Midnight"

Album Title: It's Midnight
Artist: János Korössy

Meta Information: "It's Midnight" is a mesmerizing album by the talented pianist and composer János Korössy, offering listeners a captivating blend of contemporary jazz and classical influences. With his virtuosic piano playing and emotive compositions, Korössy creates a musical landscape that is at once introspective and exhilarating. Each track on this album is a masterful exploration of mood and melody, inviting listeners on a journey of discovery and contemplation under the cover of night. "It's Midnight" is a testament to Korössy's artistry and his ability to evoke a wide range of emotions through his music.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Classical Training: János Korössy's background in classical music provides a strong foundation for his work as a jazz pianist and composer. Trained in classical piano from a young age, Korössy brings a depth of technical skill and musical sophistication to his jazz compositions, seamlessly blending elements of classical harmony and structure with the improvisational freedom of jazz.

  2. International Performer: Throughout his career, János Korössy has performed extensively on the international stage, captivating audiences with his dynamic live performances and innovative approach to jazz music. From concert halls to jazz festivals, Korössy's music has resonated with listeners around the world, earning him acclaim and recognition as a leading figure in the contemporary jazz scene.

  3. Composer and Arranger: In addition to his work as a performer, János Korössy is also a prolific composer and arranger, with a catalogue of original compositions and arrangements spanning a wide range of styles and genres. His compositions for solo piano and jazz ensembles showcase his gift for melody and his ability to create music that is both accessible and profound, further establishing his reputation as a versatile and talented musician.
