Peace of the River

Year: 1997
Artist: Jane Roman Pitt

Facts about the album "Peace of the River"

Album Title: Peace of the River
Artist: Jane Roman Pitt

Meta Information: "Peace of the River" is a serene and introspective studio album by the talented singer-songwriter Jane Roman Pitt. This album showcases Pitt's soulful vocals and poetic songwriting, inviting listeners on a tranquil journey through themes of love, introspection, and personal growth. With its gentle melodies, heartfelt lyrics, and Pitt's emotive delivery, "Peace of the River" offers a moment of solace and reflection in the midst of life's journey.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Inspiration from Nature: Jane Roman Pitt draws inspiration from nature and the natural world, infusing her music with imagery of rivers, forests, and landscapes. "Peace of the River" reflects Pitt's deep connection to nature and her belief in its restorative power, with songs that evoke a sense of calm and serenity.

  2. Collaborative Spirit: Throughout "Peace of the River", Jane Roman Pitt collaborates with a talented ensemble of musicians and producers to bring her vision to life. From intricate instrumental arrangements to layered vocal harmonies, the album showcases Pitt's collaborative spirit and her ability to work seamlessly with fellow artists to create music that resonates with listeners.

  3. Message of Hope: Amidst its introspective themes, "Peace of the River" carries a message of hope and resilience, reminding listeners of the transformative power of love, forgiveness, and inner peace. Through her heartfelt lyrics and soulful performances, Jane Roman Pitt inspires listeners to embrace the journey of self-discovery and find solace in the beauty of the world around them.
