The Whiff of Bedlam

Year: 1994
Artist: James Reyne

Other albums by James Reyne

James Reyne - Best of James Reyne
Best of James Reyne
1992, songs: 3
James Reyne - Any Day Above Ground
Any Day Above Ground
1991, songs: 3
James Reyne - Hard Reyne
Hard Reyne
1989, songs: 6
James Reyne - And the Horse You Rode in On
James Reyne - James Reyne
James Reyne
1987, songs: 4

Facts about the album "The Whiff of Bedlam"

Album Title: The Whiff of Bedlam
Artist: James Reyne

Meta Information: "The Whiff of Bedlam" is the seventh studio album by Australian singer-songwriter James Reyne, released on April 22, 2013. This album showcases Reyne's continued evolution as a musician, featuring a mix of rock, folk, and blues influences. With its introspective lyrics and atmospheric melodies, "The Whiff of Bedlam" invites listeners into Reyne's world of storytelling and musical exploration, offering a captivating journey through themes of love, loss, and the human condition.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Conceptual Depth: "The Whiff of Bedlam" explores themes of introspection, mortality, and the passage of time, offering listeners a poignant and thought-provoking musical experience. Reyne's introspective lyrics and evocative songwriting create a rich tapestry of emotion and imagery, inviting listeners to reflect on life's complexities and uncertainties.

  2. Collaborative Efforts: "The Whiff of Bedlam" features collaborations with acclaimed musicians and songwriters, including Ian Moss and Rob Hirst of Australian rock band Midnight Oil. These collaborations add depth and diversity to the album, showcasing Reyne's ability to collaborate with fellow artists and create synergistic musical experiences that resonate with listeners.

  3. Critical Acclaim: "The Whiff of Bedlam" received positive reviews from music critics, who praised Reyne's powerful vocals, poetic lyricism, and atmospheric production. Critics highlighted tracks like "English Girls" and "Day in the Sun" for their emotional depth, melodic richness, and timeless appeal, citing them as standout moments on the album. With its blend of introspective storytelling and musical craftsmanship, "The Whiff of Bedlam" solidified James Reyne's reputation as a formidable talent in the Australian music scene, earning him widespread acclaim and recognition from fans and critics alike.
