Iron Monkey

Songs: 1
Albums: 1

Facts about Iron Monkey

Iron Monkey
  1. British Sludge Metal Pioneers: Iron Monkey was a British sludge metal band formed in Nottingham in 1994. The band emerged during the mid-1990s alongside other prominent sludge and stoner metal acts like Eyehategod and Electric Wizard. Iron Monkey quickly gained a reputation for their raw, aggressive sound and uncompromising approach to heavy music, becoming one of the most influential bands in the UK underground metal scene.

  2. Debut Album "Iron Monkey": Iron Monkey's self-titled debut album, released in 1997, is widely regarded as a classic of the sludge metal genre. The album features a punishing blend of downtuned guitars, thunderous bass lines, and ferocious vocals, creating a sonic onslaught that leaves a lasting impression on listeners. Tracks like "Big Loader" and "House Anxiety" showcase the band's knack for crafting intense, riff-driven compositions that push the boundaries of heavy music.

  3. Vocalist Change and Continued Success: Following the release of their debut album, Iron Monkey experienced a significant lineup change when original vocalist Johnny Morrow departed the band. He was replaced by Dean Berry, whose distinctive growling vocals brought a new dimension to Iron Monkey's sound. Despite the lineup change, the band continued to deliver blistering performances and released their sophomore album, "Our Problem", in 1998, further solidifying their status as one of the leading lights of the UK sludge metal scene.

  4. Disbandment and Legacy: Despite their growing success, Iron Monkey disbanded in 1999 due to internal tensions and personal issues within the band. However, their legacy endured, and their influence on the sludge and extreme metal genres continued to be felt long after their breakup. The band's music inspired countless other acts in the underground metal scene, and their uncompromising approach to heaviness helped pave the way for the resurgence of sludge and stoner metal in the 2000s and beyond.

  5. Reformation and Reunion Shows: In 2017, Iron Monkey surprised fans by announcing their reformation, with original members Jim Rushby (guitar), Steve Watson (bass), and Justin Greaves (drums) returning to the fold. The band embarked on a series of reunion shows, delighting old fans and introducing their music to a new generation of metalheads. While their reunion was short-lived, it served as a testament to the enduring legacy of Iron Monkey and their enduring impact on the world of heavy music.
