
Songs: 4
Albums: 3


Integrity - Closure
2001, songs: 1
Integrity - Systems Overload
Systems Overload
1995, songs: 2

Facts about Integrity

  1. Hardcore Punk/Metal Band: Integrity is an American hardcore punk/metal band formed in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1988. Founded by vocalist Dwid Hellion, Integrity is known for their aggressive sound, dark lyrical themes, and uncompromising approach to music. The band's early music drew influence from hardcore punk, thrash metal, and crossover genres, creating a distinctive and intense sonic landscape.

  2. Pioneers of Metallic Hardcore: Integrity is widely regarded as one of the pioneers of metallic hardcore, a subgenre of hardcore punk that incorporates elements of heavy metal and extreme music. Their innovative fusion of hardcore punk aggression with metal's sonic heaviness and complexity helped shape the sound of metallic hardcore and influenced countless bands in the hardcore and metal scenes.

  3. Influential Discography and Conceptual Albums: Integrity has released numerous albums, EPs, and splits throughout their career, each showcasing their evolution as a band and their commitment to pushing the boundaries of heavy music. Albums like "Systems Overload" (1995) and "Humanity Is the Devil" (1996) are considered classics of the metallic hardcore genre, known for their intense energy, visceral aggression, and thought-provoking lyrics. Integrity's conceptual albums often explore dark and existential themes, with Hellion's lyrics delving into topics such as personal struggle, societal decay, and spiritual redemption.

  4. Live Performances and Touring: Integrity is renowned for their powerful and chaotic live performances, characterized by Hellion's commanding stage presence and the band's ferocious energy. They have toured extensively throughout their career, sharing the stage with other prominent hardcore and metal acts and performing at major music festivals around the world. Integrity's live shows are known for their intensity and confrontational atmosphere, with fans often moshing and stage diving in response to the band's aggressive sound.

  5. Cult Following and Legacy: Integrity has amassed a dedicated cult following over the years, with fans drawn to their uncompromising vision and uncompromising music. The band's influence extends beyond the hardcore and metal scenes, with artists in various genres citing Integrity as an inspiration. Their enduring legacy as pioneers of metallic hardcore and champions of underground music is a testament to their impact on heavy music and their status as icons of the hardcore punk/metal crossover.
