
Songs: 1
Albums: 1


Facts about Immortal


Immortal is a Norwegian black metal band formed in 1990 in Bergen, Norway. Here are five key facts about the band:

  1. Pioneers of Norwegian Black Metal: Immortal is considered one of the pioneering bands of the Norwegian black metal scene, which gained international attention in the early 1990s. Alongside bands like Mayhem, Emperor, and Darkthrone, Immortal helped define the sound and aesthetic of Norwegian black metal, characterized by its raw, aggressive music, grim imagery, and anti-establishment ethos.

  2. Musical Style and Influences: Immortal's music is known for its intense, fast-paced riffing, blast beat drumming, and harsh vocals, often accompanied by atmospheric keyboards and epic, melodic guitar solos. The band's sound draws influence from classic heavy metal, thrash metal, and early black metal bands like Bathory and Celtic Frost. Immortal's lyrics often explore themes of Norse mythology, darkness, and the occult, adding to the mystique and allure of their music.

  3. Lineup Changes and Core Members: Throughout its history, Immortal has experienced several lineup changes, with guitarist and vocalist Abbath (Olve Eikemo) being the only consistent member since the band's inception. Other notable members have included guitarist Demonaz (Harald Nævdal), drummer Horgh (Reidar Horghagen), and bassist Apollyon (Ole Jørgen Moe). Despite lineup changes, Immortal has maintained its distinctive sound and identity over the years.

  4. Album Releases and Critical Acclaim: Immortal has released several highly acclaimed albums throughout their career, including "Pure Holocaust" (1993), "At the Heart of Winter" (1999), and "Sons of Northern Darkness" (2002). These albums are considered classics of the black metal genre, praised for their aggressive riffing, atmospheric compositions, and immersive atmosphere. Immortal's music has garnered praise from both fans and critics alike, solidifying their status as one of the most influential black metal bands of all time.

  5. Cultural Impact and Legacy: Immortal's impact on the black metal genre and metal music as a whole cannot be overstated. Their contributions to the Norwegian black metal scene helped shape the genre's sound and aesthetic, influencing countless bands around the world. Despite their controversial reputation and occasional lineup changes, Immortal has remained a force in the metal scene, continuing to tour and release music to this day, ensuring the
