Songs: 14
Albums: 3


IAMX - The Alternative
The Alternative
2006, songs: 11
IAMX - Kiss + Swallow
Kiss + Swallow
2004, songs: 2

Facts about IAMX

  1. Electro-Industrial Music Project: IAMX is an electro-industrial music project formed by British musician Chris Corner in 2004. Corner, who was previously a member of the trip-hop band Sneaker Pimps, created IAMX as a solo endeavor to explore darker and more experimental musical territory. The project's sound combines elements of electronic, industrial, and alternative music, characterized by its intense beats, atmospheric synths, and emotive vocals.

  2. Debut Album "Kiss + Swallow": IAMX released their debut album, "Kiss + Swallow", in 2004 to critical acclaim. The album showcased Corner's talent for crafting dynamic and atmospheric electronic music, with songs like "Spit It Out" and "President" capturing the attention of listeners with their provocative lyrics and infectious hooks. "Kiss + Swallow" established IAMX as a force to be reckoned with in the electro-industrial music scene, earning praise for its innovative sound and bold artistic vision.

  3. Conceptual Themes and Visual Aesthetics: IAMX's music often explores themes of identity, sexuality, and existentialism, with Corner drawing inspiration from his personal experiences and struggles. The project's visual aesthetic is equally important, with elaborate stage productions, striking music videos, and avant-garde fashion choices contributing to IAMX's distinctive image. Corner's theatrical performances and enigmatic persona add to the allure of IAMX's music, creating a multimedia experience that engages all the senses.

  4. Album Releases and Evolution: Since their debut, IAMX has released several albums that have further solidified their reputation as innovators in the electro-industrial genre. Albums like "The Alternative" (2006), "Kingdom of Welcome Addiction" (2009), and "Metanoia" (2015) have received critical acclaim for their experimentation with sound and willingness to push artistic boundaries. IAMX's music has evolved over the years, incorporating elements of synth-pop, darkwave, and dance music while maintaining a dark and brooding atmosphere that is uniquely their own.

  5. International Success and Fanbase: IAMX has cultivated a dedicated fanbase around the world, with a strong presence in Europe, North America, and beyond. The project's intense and introspective music resonates with listeners who appreciate its emotional depth and sonic complexity. IAMX's electrifying live performances have further solidified their reputation, with Corner's charismatic stage presence captivating audiences at concerts and music festivals worldwide. With their continued experimentation and boundary-pushing approach to music, IAMX remains a vital force in the electro-industrial music scene, inspiring fans and
