Ersel Hickey

Songs: 1
Albums: 1


Ersel Hickey - The Rockin' Bluebird
The Rockin' Bluebird
2001, songs: 1

Facts about Ersel Hickey

Ersel Hickey

Ersel Hickey was an American rockabilly singer and songwriter known for his energetic performances and catchy tunes. Here are five facts about him:

  1. Early Career: Ersel Hickey began his music career in the late 1950s, during the early days of rock and roll. He gained attention for his distinctive voice, dynamic stage presence, and ability to blend elements of rockabilly, country, and rhythm and blues into his music. Hickey's early recordings showcased his raw talent and charisma, earning him a dedicated fan base and recognition within the music industry.

  2. Signature Song: One of Ersel Hickey's most enduring contributions to rock and roll is his hit song "Bluebirds over the Mountain". Released in 1958, the song became a commercial success, reaching the Billboard Hot 100 chart and solidifying Hickey's reputation as a rising star in the rockabilly scene. "Bluebirds over the Mountain" remains a beloved classic of the era and has been covered by numerous artists over the years.

  3. Influence and Legacy: Despite achieving only moderate commercial success during his lifetime, Ersel Hickey's impact on the rockabilly genre was significant. His infectious energy, catchy melodies, and spirited performances influenced countless musicians who followed in his footsteps. Hickey's music continues to be celebrated by rockabilly enthusiasts and collectors, with his recordings cherished as prized gems of the era.

  4. Recording Career: Throughout the late 1950s and early 1960s, Ersel Hickey released several singles and albums on various record labels, including Epic Records and Jamie Records. While he never achieved the same level of mainstream success as some of his contemporaries, Hickey's recordings are highly regarded by fans of rockabilly and vintage rock and roll. His music captures the excitement and rebellious spirit of the era, earning him a place in the annals of rock music history.

  5. Revival and Rediscovery: In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in Ersel Hickey's music, with collectors and enthusiasts rediscovering his recordings and celebrating his contributions to rockabilly. Reissues of his albums and compilations of his songs have introduced Hickey's music to new generations of listeners, ensuring that his legacy continues to endure. Despite his passing in 2004, Ersel Hickey's
