Beautiful World

Year: 2008
Artist: Eliza Gilkyson

Other albums by Eliza Gilkyson

Eliza Gilkyson - Legends of Rainmaker
Legends of Rainmaker
1989, songs: 1
Eliza Gilkyson - Paradise Hotel
Paradise Hotel
2005, songs: 1

Facts about the album "Beautiful World"

Album Title: Beautiful World
Artist: Eliza Gilkyson

Meta Information: "Beautiful World" is a poignant album by the acclaimed American folk singer-songwriter Eliza Gilkyson. This album showcases Gilkyson's lyrical depth, emotive vocals, and heartfelt songwriting, offering listeners a collection of songs that reflect on the beauty, complexities, and challenges of life in the modern world. With its introspective lyrics, lush arrangements, and soul-stirring melodies, "Beautiful World" invites listeners on a journey of introspection, compassion, and hope, reminding us of the interconnectedness of humanity and the enduring power of love and resilience.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Environmental Advocacy: Eliza Gilkyson is known for her activism and advocacy on environmental issues, and her commitment to social and political causes is reflected in her music. "Beautiful World" features songs that address pressing environmental concerns, such as climate change, habitat loss, and species extinction, while also celebrating the beauty and wonder of the natural world. Gilkyson's heartfelt lyrics and impassioned performances serve as a call to action, inspiring listeners to protect and preserve the planet for future generations.

  2. Musical Legacy: Eliza Gilkyson comes from a distinguished musical family, with her father, Terry Gilkyson, being a prominent folk singer and songwriter. Growing up surrounded by music, Gilkyson developed a deep love for the folk tradition and began writing and performing her own songs at a young age. "Beautiful World" showcases Gilkyson's musical legacy and her unique voice as an artist, carrying on the family tradition of storytelling and songwriting with grace and authenticity.

  3. Collaborative Spirit: "Beautiful World" features collaborations with other talented musicians and artists, adding depth and dimension to the album's sonic landscape. From guest vocalists to instrumentalists and arrangers, these collaborations highlight Gilkyson's collaborative spirit and her ability to connect and create with a diverse array of talents. By bringing together a variety of voices and perspectives, "Beautiful World" becomes a collective celebration of creativity and artistic expression, showcasing the power of music to unite and inspire.
