Electric Six - Jimmy Carter

Album: Señor Smoke (2005)
Artist: Electric Six


Like Jimmy Carter like, electric underwear

Like any idea that never had a chance of going anywhere

This is who you are

Hey celebrity who drives off a bridge in a car

Your beautiful body filling up with water

Like Harry Truman dropping bombs out of the air

Like any self-respecting multi-billionaire

This is who you are

Five dancing teenage boys who sing their way into our hearts

Backstreets back alright

And there's a toxic cloud hanging over her

And there's white noise on the screen

And there's a man in a hotel room assaulting the maid who just came to clean

Up the mess

Backstreets back alright

Like Ronald Reagan falling asleep for ever more

Dreaming of horses and dreaming of nuclear war

This is where we are tonight

Everybody under surveillance from a satellite

You could be the first one on your block to die

And there's a plague of locusts upon us

And there's a nightmare in the swarm

And there's a lion out in the desert slouching towards Bethlehem to be born, again

Backstreets back alright, alright.
