Jazz Virtuosi: Doris Day

Year: 2012
Artist: Doris Day

Other albums by Doris Day

Facts about the album "Jazz Virtuosi: Doris Day"

Title: Jazz Virtuosi: Doris Day
Artist: Doris Day
Genre: Jazz, Traditional Pop
Label: Verve Records

Description: "Jazz Virtuosi: Doris Day" is a compilation album that showcases the jazz-infused recordings of the iconic singer Doris Day. Released under the esteemed Verve Records label, the album highlights Day's exceptional talent and versatility as a vocalist within the realm of jazz and traditional pop music. With her impeccable phrasing, emotive delivery, and innate musicality, Day captivates listeners with her interpretations of classic jazz standards and timeless melodies, solidifying her place among the virtuosic voices of the jazz genre.


  1. Musical Evolution: Doris Day's career spanned multiple decades, during which she continually evolved as an artist. While she initially rose to fame as a pop and big band singer, her forays into jazz showcased her adaptability and mastery of various musical styles, earning her respect and admiration from audiences and peers alike.

  2. Chart-Topping Success: Throughout her illustrious career, Doris Day achieved numerous chart successes, with many of her recordings becoming enduring classics. Her ability to seamlessly transition between genres, from jazz to pop to musical theater, contributed to her widespread appeal and lasting legacy in the music industry.

  3. Film and Television Career: In addition to her music career, Doris Day enjoyed a successful acting career in both film and television. She starred in a series of popular films during the 1950s and 1960s, earning critical acclaim for her performances and further solidifying her status as a Hollywood legend.
