Legendary Blues Recordings: Dinah Washington

Year: 2001
Artist: Dinah Washington

Other albums by Dinah Washington

Dinah Washington - Anthology
2001, songs: 1
Dinah Washington - The Diva Series
The Diva Series
2003, songs: 8
Dinah Washington - Sings the Standards
Sings the Standards
2003, songs: 7
Dinah Washington - Slick Chick (On the Mellow Side)
Dinah Washington - The Man I Love
The Man I Love
2012, songs: 1
Dinah Washington - Mastercuts
2006, songs: 1
Dinah Washington - Mad About the Boy [Prism Leisure]
Dinah Washington - Back to the Blues
Back to the Blues
1963, songs: 1

Facts about the album "Legendary Blues Recordings: Dinah Washington"

Album Title: Legendary Blues Recordings: Dinah Washington
Artist: Dinah Washington
Genre: Blues, Jazz
Release Date: Not specified
Label: Not specified

Description: "Legendary Blues Recordings: Dinah Washington" is a compilation album featuring some of the most iconic blues recordings by the legendary American singer Dinah Washington. This collection highlights Washington's exceptional talent and emotive delivery in the blues genre, showcasing her soulful interpretations and powerful vocal performances. With her distinctive voice and impeccable phrasing, Washington captivates listeners, drawing them into a world of passion, heartache, and resilience. "Legendary Blues Recordings: Dinah Washington" offers a captivating glimpse into the timeless legacy of one of the greatest vocalists of the 20th century.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Queen of the Blues: Dinah Washington earned the title "Queen of the Blues" for her mastery of the genre and her ability to convey raw emotion through her music. Known for her gritty, impassioned vocals and impeccable phrasing, Washington's influence on the blues genre continues to resonate with audiences around the world. Her recordings featured on "Legendary Blues Recordings: Dinah Washington" are considered classics of the genre, showcasing her unique vocal talents and emotional depth.

  2. Collaborations with Blues Legends: Throughout her career, Dinah Washington collaborated with some of the most renowned blues musicians of her time, including B.B. King, Bobby Blue Bland, and Lowell Fulson, among others. These collaborations produced some of Washington's most memorable recordings, highlighting her ability to connect with audiences and fellow musicians alike. "Legendary Blues Recordings: Dinah Washington" features recordings that showcase Washington's dynamic range and versatility as a blues artist.

  3. Grammy Award Success: Dinah Washington received numerous accolades throughout her career, including several Grammy Awards. She won the Grammy Award for Best Rhythm & Blues Performance in 1959 for her recording of "What a Diff'rence a Day Makes!" and received several other nominations in subsequent years. Washington's Grammy wins underscore her status as one of the most acclaimed vocalists of her generation, recognized for her unparalleled talent and contributions to the world of music.
