Desolation Angels

Songs: 1
Albums: 1


Desolation Angels - Anthem
1989, songs: 1

Facts about Desolation Angels

Desolation Angels
  1. British Heavy Metal Band: Desolation Angels is a British heavy metal band that emerged in the early 1980s during the heyday of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal (NWOBHM) movement. Formed in London in 1981, the band was part of a wave of underground metal acts that revitalized the British music scene and laid the foundation for the global heavy metal genre.

  2. Debut Album and Critical Acclaim: Desolation Angels gained recognition with the release of their self-titled debut album in 1986. The album showcased the band's powerful sound, characterized by aggressive riffs, soaring vocals, and dynamic songwriting. Desolation Angels received critical acclaim for their musicianship and songwriting prowess, earning praise from fans and critics alike. The album's standout tracks, including "Valhalla", "Boadicea", and "Evil Possessor", solidified the band's reputation as a rising force in the metal scene.

  3. Lineup Changes and Hiatus: Like many bands in the metal genre, Desolation Angels experienced lineup changes over the years. Despite their early success, the band faced challenges in maintaining a stable lineup and navigating the ever-changing music industry landscape. Following the release of their debut album, Desolation Angels went through periods of inactivity and lineup adjustments. However, the band's music continued to resonate with metal fans, and their legacy endured through reissues of their classic albums and compilation releases.

  4. Reunion and Return to the Spotlight: In the late 2000s, Desolation Angels experienced a resurgence in interest, fueled by a renewed appreciation for the NWOBHM movement and a new generation of metal fans. The band reunited and returned to the stage, performing live shows and reconnecting with their loyal fan base. Desolation Angels' reunion efforts coincided with a broader resurgence of interest in classic metal acts, as fans rediscovered the music of the NWOBHM era and celebrated the genre's enduring legacy.

  5. Continued Presence and New Music: In recent years, Desolation Angels has continued to maintain a presence in the metal scene, releasing new music and touring internationally. The band's dedication to their craft and their steadfast commitment to their musical roots have earned them respect and admiration from fans of classic heavy metal. Desolation Angels' enduring legacy as pioneers of the NWOBHM movement ensures that their music will continue to inspire and influence generations of metal fans for years to come.
