David Mays

Songs: 1
Albums: 1

Facts about David Mays

David Mays

David Mays is best known as the co-founder and former owner of The Source magazine, a pioneering hip-hop publication. Here are some facts about David Mays:

  1. Co-founder of The Source: David Mays, along with Jonathan Shecter, co-founded The Source magazine in 1988. The Source quickly became one of the most influential publications in hip-hop culture, providing coverage of music, artists, and the broader hip-hop community. Mays played a crucial role in shaping the magazine's editorial direction and establishing it as a respected voice within the hip-hop industry.

  2. Influence on Hip-Hop Journalism: Under Mays' leadership, The Source played a significant role in shaping the landscape of hip-hop journalism. The magazine's coverage of music, politics, and social issues within the hip-hop community helped legitimize the genre in mainstream media and provided a platform for emerging artists to gain exposure. Mays' commitment to authenticity and integrity in journalism contributed to The Source's reputation as a trusted source of hip-hop news and commentary.

  3. The Source Awards: David Mays was instrumental in organizing The Source Awards, an annual awards show that honored achievements in hip-hop music and culture. The Source Awards became known for memorable moments, including performances, acceptance speeches, and occasional controversies. Mays' involvement in the awards show further solidified The Source's influence within the hip-hop community and provided a platform for artists to showcase their talents.

  4. Entrepreneurial Ventures: In addition to his work with The Source, David Mays has been involved in various entrepreneurial ventures within the entertainment industry. He has served as a consultant, producer, and executive for numerous projects related to music, film, and television. Mays' diverse skill set and experience have allowed him to explore different aspects of the entertainment business while maintaining a focus on hip-hop culture and advocacy.

  5. Legacy and Impact: David Mays' contributions to hip-hop journalism and culture have left a lasting impact on the industry. His vision for The Source helped elevate hip-hop from a niche genre to a global phenomenon, and his commitment to authenticity and representation paved the way for future generations of hip-hop journalists and entrepreneurs. While Mays' tenure at The Source had its share of controversies and challenges, his overall influence on hip-hop media remains significant.
