
Songs: 2
Albums: 2


Dagda - Celtic Trance
Celtic Trance
1999, songs: 1

Facts about Dagda

  1. Celtic New Age Music Project: Dagda is a Celtic new age music project founded by Irish musician and composer Eunan Mcintyre. The project takes its name from the ancient Irish deity "The Dagda", who is associated with wisdom, magic, and abundance. Dagda's music is inspired by Celtic mythology, folklore, and spirituality, and combines traditional Celtic instruments with modern electronic production techniques to create a unique and immersive listening experience.

  2. Debut Album "Sleeping with the Gods of Love": Dagda gained recognition with their debut album, "Sleeping with the Gods of Love", released in 1995. The album featured a mix of ambient electronic music, Celtic folk melodies, and mystical chants, creating a lush and atmospheric soundscape that transports listeners to another realm. "Sleeping with the Gods of Love" received critical acclaim for its innovative fusion of traditional and contemporary elements, establishing Dagda as a leading force in the Celtic new age music genre.

  3. Exploration of Celtic Themes: Throughout their discography, Dagda has explored various themes related to Celtic mythology, spirituality, and nature. Their music often incorporates elements of Celtic folklore, legends, and rituals, evoking the mystical landscapes of ancient Ireland. Dagda's compositions are imbued with a sense of reverence for the natural world and a deep connection to Celtic heritage, resonating with listeners who are drawn to the beauty and mystery of Celtic culture.

  4. Collaborations and Musical Influences: Eunan Mcintyre, the mastermind behind Dagda, has collaborated with other musicians and artists over the years, further expanding the project's sonic palette and creative vision. Dagda's music is influenced by a wide range of musical genres and traditions, including ambient, new age, world music, and electronica. The project's eclectic approach to music-making reflects Mcintyre's diverse musical interests and his desire to explore new sounds and textures.

  5. Legacy and Continued Relevance: Dagda's music continues to resonate with fans of Celtic and new age music, providing a soundtrack for relaxation, meditation, and spiritual exploration. The project's ability to capture the essence of Celtic mythology and spirituality has earned it a devoted following around the world, with listeners drawn to its enchanting melodies and ethereal atmosphere. Dagda's legacy as pioneers of Celtic new age music endures, with their music serving as a timeless reminder of the beauty and magic of Celtic culture.
