
Songs: 1
Albums: 1


Cursed - One
2003, songs: 1

Facts about Cursed

  1. Canadian Hardcore Punk Band: Cursed was a hardcore punk band hailing from Ontario, Canada, known for their aggressive sound, intense live performances, and politically charged lyrics. Formed in 2001, the band consisted of members Chris Colohan (vocals), Christian McMaster (guitar), Kevin "The Rev" James (bass), and Radwan Moumneh (drums).

  2. Musical Style and Influences: Cursed's music was characterized by its ferocious blend of hardcore punk, metal, and noise rock. The band drew inspiration from iconic punk and metal acts such as Black Flag, Discharge, and Slayer, while infusing their own unique energy and intensity into their sound. Cursed's songs were often characterized by their fast tempos, abrasive guitar riffs, and raw, visceral vocals, creating a chaotic sonic experience that resonated with fans of aggressive music.

  3. Album Releases and Critical Acclaim: Cursed released three full-length albums during their career: "One" (2002), "Two" (2005), and "III: Architects of Troubled Sleep" (2008). These albums received widespread critical acclaim within the punk and metal communities, earning praise for their uncompromising intensity, innovative songwriting, and socially conscious lyrics. Cursed's albums explored themes such as political corruption, social injustice, and existential angst, reflecting the band members' disillusionment with the world around them.

  4. Live Performances and Touring: Cursed was renowned for their explosive live performances, which were characterized by their frenetic energy and confrontational stage presence. The band toured extensively throughout North America and Europe, sharing the stage with other notable punk and metal acts such as Converge, Mastodon, and Dillinger Escape Plan. Cursed's live shows were often chaotic and unpredictable, leaving a lasting impression on audiences and earning them a reputation as one of the most electrifying bands in the underground music scene.

  5. Disbandment and Legacy: Despite their critical acclaim and dedicated fan base, Cursed disbanded in 2008, citing personal and creative differences among the band members. However, their legacy as one of the most influential hardcore punk bands of the 2000s lives on. Cursed's uncompromising approach to music, uncompromising lyrics, and unapologetic attitude continue to inspire a new generation of punk and metal artists who seek to push the boundaries of aggressive music and challenge the status quo.
