Current 93

Songs: 7
Albums: 5


Facts about Current 93

Current 93
  1. Formation and Origin: Current 93 is an English experimental music group formed in 1982 by David Tibet, who remains the group's sole consistent member. The band's name is derived from Aleister Crowley's numerological system, where "93" represents the "current of Thelema", a spiritual philosophy developed by Crowley. Current 93's early music drew inspiration from various sources, including folk, industrial, and ambient music, and explored themes of mysticism, apocalypse, and esotericism.

  2. Evolution of Sound: Over the years, Current 93's sound has evolved significantly, encompassing a wide range of styles and influences. The group's early releases, such as "Nature Unveiled" (1984) and "Dogs Blood Rising" (1984), featured dark, atmospheric compositions characterized by eerie drones, distorted vocals, and occult imagery. As the band progressed, their music incorporated elements of neofolk, experimental rock, and avant-garde composition, resulting in a diverse and eclectic discography.

  3. Collaborations and Guest Appearances: Throughout their career, Current 93 has collaborated with numerous artists and musicians from various musical backgrounds. These collaborations have included contributions from members of bands such as Nurse With Wound, Coil, and Death in June, as well as prominent figures from the industrial and experimental music scenes. Current 93's willingness to collaborate and explore new creative avenues has led to a rich and varied body of work that continues to intrigue and captivate listeners.

  4. Exploration of Esoteric Themes: David Tibet's interest in mysticism, mythology, and the occult has been a recurring theme in Current 93's music. Many of the band's albums and songs draw inspiration from esoteric traditions, religious symbolism, and mystical experiences. Tibet's cryptic lyrics and enigmatic imagery have contributed to the band's reputation for creating music that is both intellectually stimulating and emotionally evocative, inviting listeners to explore the depths of their subconscious and confront existential questions about life, death, and the nature of reality.

  5. Cult Following and Influence: Despite maintaining a relatively low profile in the mainstream music industry, Current 93 has cultivated a dedicated following of fans and admirers around the world. The band's esoteric aesthetic, unconventional approach to composition, and thought-provoking lyrical content have earned them a reputation as one of the most innovative and influential groups in the experimental music genre. Current 93's influence can be heard in the work of numerous contemporary artists and musicians who have been inspired by their boundary-pushing creativity and unc
