Cry Cry Cry

Songs: 6
Albums: 1


Cry Cry Cry - Cry Cry Cry
Cry Cry Cry
1998, songs: 6

Facts about Cry Cry Cry

Cry Cry Cry
  1. Formation and Collaboration: Cry Cry Cry is not a traditional band but a collaboration between three esteemed singer-songwriters: Dar Williams, Lucy Kaplansky, and Richard Shindell. Formed in the late 1990s, Cry Cry Cry brought together the individual talents of these artists to create a unique and harmonious sound that blends elements of folk, Americana, and acoustic music.

  2. Self-Titled Album: Cry Cry Cry released their self-titled album "Cry Cry Cry" in 1998, which featured a collection of covers of songs by various songwriters. The album showcased the trio's exquisite vocal harmonies and masterful interpretations of classic and contemporary folk songs. Tracks like "By Way of Sorrow" and "Cold Missouri Waters" demonstrated their ability to breathe new life into beloved songs while staying true to the essence of the originals.

  3. Live Performances and Tours: Despite only releasing one album together, Cry Cry Cry toured extensively, captivating audiences with their heartfelt performances and captivating stage presence. Their live shows were characterized by intimate acoustic arrangements, heartfelt storytelling, and seamless vocal harmonies that left a lasting impression on concert-goers. Their ability to connect with audiences on a personal level solidified their reputation as one of the premier acts in the folk music scene.

  4. Individual Careers: While Cry Cry Cry was a side project for its members, each artist has enjoyed a successful solo career in their own right. Dar Williams, Lucy Kaplansky, and Richard Shindell are respected singer-songwriters with extensive discographies and dedicated fan bases. Their collaboration in Cry Cry Cry allowed them to showcase their collective talents while continuing to pursue their individual musical endeavors.

  5. Cultural Impact: Cry Cry Cry's self-titled album received widespread acclaim from critics and fans alike, earning praise for its exquisite harmonies and impeccable song selection. The trio's ability to reinterpret classic folk songs and introduce them to a new generation of listeners helped to keep the tradition of folk music alive and relevant. While their collaboration was short-lived, Cry Cry Cry's influence continues to be felt in the world of folk and acoustic music, inspiring artists to explore the power of collaboration and vocal harmony.
