Crossed Out

Songs: 1
Albums: 1


Crossed Out - Crossed Out
Crossed Out
2000, songs: 1

Facts about Crossed Out

Crossed Out

Crossed Out was a influential powerviolence band originating from Encinitas, California. Here are some key facts about the group:

  1. Formation and Lineup: Crossed Out was formed in the early 1990s, with its original lineup consisting of Tomas (vocals), Rich (guitar), and Brady (drums). The band was known for its blistering fast, aggressive sound that epitomized the powerviolence subgenre, characterized by short song lengths, intense speed, and chaotic energy.

  2. Impact on Powerviolence: Crossed Out played a significant role in shaping the powerviolence scene, particularly in the Southern California hardcore punk community. Their self-titled 7" EP, released in 1992, is considered a seminal work within the genre, featuring 11 tracks of relentless, frenetic aggression delivered with raw intensity.

  3. Short-lived Career: Despite their influence and impact, Crossed Out's active career was relatively short-lived. The band disbanded in 1993 after only a couple of years of existence. However, their brief tenure left a lasting legacy, inspiring countless bands within the powerviolence and hardcore punk scenes with their uncompromising approach to music and their DIY ethos.

  4. Legacy and Influence: Despite their relatively small discography and limited time as a band, Crossed Out's influence on the powerviolence genre is undeniable. Their abrasive, no-holds-barred sound laid the groundwork for many bands to come, and their DIY ethic set a standard for underground punk bands. Even years after their disbandment, Crossed Out remains revered among fans of extreme music for their ferocious intensity and unapologetic attitude.

  5. Discography: Crossed Out's discography consists of a handful of releases, including their aforementioned self-titled 7" EP, as well as split releases with bands like Man Is The Bastard and Dropdead. These recordings are highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts of powerviolence and hardcore punk, showcasing the band's blistering sonic assault and uncompromising vision.
