Count Bass D

Songs: 2
Albums: 2


2005, songs: 1
Count Bass D - Pre-Life Crisis
Pre-Life Crisis
1995, songs: 1

Facts about Count Bass D

Count Bass D

Count Bass D, born Dwight Farrell, is an American rapper, producer, and multi-instrumentalist known for his eclectic and innovative approach to hip-hop music. Here are some key facts about Count Bass D:

  1. Musical Versatility: Count Bass D is renowned for his musical versatility, seamlessly blending elements of jazz, funk, soul, and electronic music into his hip-hop productions. As a multi-instrumentalist, he often incorporates live instrumentation and intricate arrangements into his beats, creating a rich and dynamic sonic palette. Count Bass D's diverse influences and boundary-pushing experimentation have earned him recognition as a forward-thinking artist within the hip-hop community.

  2. Prolific Discography: Count Bass D boasts a prolific discography spanning multiple albums, EPs, and collaborations. His debut album, "Pre-Life Crisis", released in 1995, showcased his unique style and lyrical prowess, earning critical acclaim for its innovative production and introspective storytelling. Count Bass D has since released a string of solo albums, including "Dwight Spitz" (2002), "L7" (2014), and "Too Much Pressure" (2018), each demonstrating his evolution as an artist and producer.

  3. Collaborations and Features: Throughout his career, Count Bass D has collaborated with a diverse range of artists across different musical genres. He has worked with hip-hop luminaries such as MF DOOM, J Dilla, and DJ Shadow, as well as experimental musicians like Flying Lotus and Thom Yorke of Radiohead. Count Bass D's ability to collaborate with artists from various backgrounds underscores his versatility and adaptability as a musician.

  4. DIY Ethos and Independence: Count Bass D is known for his DIY ethos and independent spirit, maintaining creative control over his music and business endeavors. He has self-released the majority of his albums through his own label, Count Bass D Productions, allowing him to retain artistic freedom and connect directly with his fan base. Count Bass D's commitment to independence and authenticity has earned him respect from fans and peers alike, solidifying his status as a beloved figure in underground hip-hop.

  5. Legacy and Influence: Count Bass D's contributions to hip-hop music and culture have left a lasting impact on the genre. His pioneering work as a producer and multi-instrumentalist has inspired a new generation of artists to explore new sonic territories and push the boundaries of what hip-hop can be. Count Bass D's legacy as an innovator and trailblazer continues to be celebrated by fans of underground hip-hop worldwide, ensuring that his influence will be felt for ye
