Corpsefucking Art

Songs: 1
Albums: 1


Corpsefucking Art - Splatter Deluxe
Splatter Deluxe
2003, songs: 1

Facts about Corpsefucking Art

Corpsefucking Art
  1. Extreme Metal Band: Corpsefucking Art is an Italian extreme metal band known for their uncompromising and provocative approach to music. Formed in 1999 in Rome, the band quickly gained notoriety for their aggressive sound, graphic lyrics, and controversial imagery. Corpsefucking Art is often associated with the brutal death metal and grindcore genres, incorporating elements of gore and horror into their music and visual aesthetic.

  2. Lyrically Provocative Themes: As their name suggests, Corpsefucking Art explores dark and taboo themes in their lyrics, often delving into subjects such as violence, death, mutilation, and sexual depravity. Their lyrics are characterized by graphic imagery and explicit language, designed to shock and provoke listeners. While their lyrical content is controversial and confrontational, it is also often viewed as a form of artistic expression and social commentary on the darker aspects of human nature.

  3. Discography and Musical Style: Corpsefucking Art has released several albums and EPs over the years, showcasing their ferocious musical style and uncompromising vision. Their music is characterized by blistering guitar riffs, rapid-fire drumming, guttural vocals, and dissonant harmonies. The band's sound is raw, chaotic, and relentless, drawing influences from death metal, grindcore, and extreme forms of punk and hardcore music. Some of their notable releases include "Splatter Deluxe" (2003), "Quel Cimitero Accanto Alla Villa" (2006), and "Porn in Blood" (2010).

  4. Controversy and Criticism: Due to their explicit lyrics, provocative imagery, and controversial band name, Corpsefucking Art has faced criticism and censorship from both mainstream media and conservative groups. Some have accused the band of promoting violence, misogyny, and antisocial behavior through their music and imagery. However, supporters argue that Corpsefucking Art's shock tactics and confrontational style are intended to push boundaries and challenge societal norms, rather than glorify violence or degradation.

  5. Underground Following and Impact: Despite facing censorship and controversy, Corpsefucking Art has developed a dedicated following within the extreme metal underground. Their music resonates with fans of brutal and uncompromising metal, who appreciate the band's raw intensity and provocative lyrics. Corpsefucking Art's influence can be seen in the wider extreme metal scene, where they have inspired other bands to push the boundaries of artistic expression and explore taboo subjects in their music.
